Unitary Plan Publicly Notified Submission – Plan Change 78 regarding Housing Intensification
TRA made a submission on Housing Intensification. We identified our concerns under the following points:
• Takapuna’s Unique Coastal and Lake Environment
• Shading of Public Areas, Shading of Existing Residential Homes
• The Iconic Image of Takapuna
• ‘Notable’ trees, Loss of Tree Canopy Cover, Bird Life, Impact on Water Quality (both fresh water and sea water)
• Increase in Impermeable Surfaces and Surface Run-off, ‘The Earth Beneath Our Feet’
• Traffic congestion
• Environmental Changes
• Impact of Housing Intensification on Neighbouring Properties
• What is a community?
• Adequate Open Level Spaces
We hope that you also used this opportunity to comment on issues that you are concerned about.

48 Esmond Road Site
Many would have received letters from Council advising a proposed change at the 48 Esmonde Road site (former home of Harbourside church). The change includes the introduction of 10 and 16-storey towers and proposed encroachment into the coastline with a boardwalk. The Rangitoto Observer (Issue September 30, page 15) has a very good article identifying some important concerns, with a diagram of the site, as well as an explanation of some of the consequences.
You may not have thought about the potential impact of this development, which lies a little separately to the rest of Takapuna, but perhaps we need to give it more serious consideration. Once these changes are in place we will have ‘lost the moment'.

The Spencer Hotel - 'Park to Carpark'
The Spencer Hotel - 'Park to Carpark'
A little pocket park has sat next to The Spencer Hotel since its construction. For the last couple of years the park has been closed and used as a construction yard while the Spencer underwent renovations. Now the work has been completed we anticipated the park would be returned to public use. Instead, the Spencer has applied to Council to change the park into a car park. We’re not aware of any public notification or consultation on the loss of this public space. TRA has brought this issue to the attention of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and they are following up on this.
You can let the Council know your views on this by emailing enquiry@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Northcroft Street - Streetscape Upgrade
Northcroft Street - Streetscape Upgrade
Panuku plans to upgrade Northcroft and Huron streets. Please see the draft concept design submitted in October 2022. TRA made a submission in response. See The Rangitoto Observer (Issue September 30, page 1 and 2)
You can let the Council know your views on this by emailing enquiry@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz